Helping Irish AND PORTUGUESE tech companies succeed on a global stage


The global market is more accessible than ever

Light Bulb

You know your solutions are ideally suited to a global audience

Head Scratch

But selling abroad isn’t as easy as you’d imagined

Exceptional global opportunities for Irish and Portuguese tech companies

There’s no doubt that from a business point of view the world is getting smaller by the day. Developing tech solutions that appeal to an international market is arguably easier than it has ever been. The opportunities for forward thinking Irish and Portuguese tech companies to sell to overseas right now are mind-blowing.

The doors are open in Northern Europe, North America and China

It’s easy to see why you’re attracted to sell to clients in the likes of Northern Europe, North America and China. Success in any of these markets could take your tech company to a whole new level. You know you have the right product to fit the market need, you’re in no doubt that the price is right, it’s just a question of nurturing the client along their buying journey.

Are you overseas-trade-ready?

When you trade overseas, nurturing the client along their buying journey is a different ball game than it is at home. You’re acutely aware of the need to be culturally correct. You read the right books, attend the right training courses and prepare yourself as well as you can. But when you get face-to-face with your overseas clients, it’s not always plain-sailing.

Being fast thinking conceptually and tech savvy are essential for overseas success but alone they’re not enough. Selling successfully overseas calls for the right approach for the right country. If you want to get it right, you’re in the right place.

Boost your chances for overseas success with a FREE Intercultural Customer Acquisition and Retention Chat.

Selling overseas needn’t be complicated

Most people who struggle with selling overseas get it wrong because they presume it’ll be the same as selling on home ground. That’s completely understandable. After all, your client’s needs are more than likely the same; your solution is more or less the same and the outcome the same. However, the client journey and expectations are usually completely different. When you are selling overseas, being aware of these differences and prepared for them, you’re a whole lot more likely to succeed.

Talent optimisation can be tough if you don’t have the right approach

Getting the most from your people is never easy. It’s not enough to help just one person, the improvement must also contribute to reaching the organisations goals. Done well it creates high-performing, productive and passionate employees who feel proud to work for their organisation.

USA/France Flag


Jane, an American selling to a French client

Jane is a sales manager in a global financial services company. She’s considered to be a precise, simple and clear communicator on her home ground. However, even though she was well-versed in French culture, when she first started to sell there, her communication failed her desperately. Her direct approach didn’t work with her French client, who needed a more nuanced and layered approach. With the right support, Jane could have navigated the international communication arena a whole lot better and avoided this frustration and disappointment.

Irish/German Flag

Ben, who’s based in Ireland selling to a German client

Ben is COO of a high tech Irish company and is used to his presentations being well received and complimented in his home country. However, when he presented in Germany, he was challenged in a way he didn’t expect. He was left feeling incompetent and unprepared even though he’d invested more than usual to get it (what he thought was) right. This happened because his audience was more used to focusing on theory first and then the benefits. This meant they asked him questions that really threw him. Like Jane before, with the right guidance, Ben could have avoided this pain.

GB/China Flag

John, an English Engineer selling to a telecom company in China

John is an engineer from England in the telecoms sector and was left feeling confused and lost when his potential client in China didn’t respond directly to his emails. Despite what he thought was a sound and trusted relationship, John’s contact in China never replied to him directly, instead channeling everything through his boss. This made him feel that his reputation as a professional and effective communicator was in question. The negative impact of this experience even infiltrated his local, domestic performance. All of this could have been avoided with the right Cu-IQ guidance and support.


It/US/Eu Flag

Giani, an Italian IT consultant presenting to Americans and Europeans

Giani is an Italian IT consultant who was called upon to update a mixed cultural team which included Americans and Europeans. His thinking style, like quite a lot of Europeans is deductive. This means he tends to focus on concept and theories. This didn’t go down well with the Americans in the audience because they are wary of theory and generalisations. They consider that approach to be too unrealistic and/or too abstract. They wanted experiences, cases and scenarios. With the right intercultural preparation and planning Giani could have avoided this missed opportunity.

Talent optimisation can be tough if you don’t have the right approach

Getting the most from your people is never easy. It’s not enough to help just one person, the improvement must also contribute to reaching the organisations goals. Done well it creates high-performing, productive and passionate employees who feel proud to work for their organisation.

Pedro, Project leader moving into manager role

Getting the promotion from project manager to managing a number of project teams was exactly what he wanted. Extra personnel were promised but until that happened he had to manage two roles. Trying to do two jobs to his usual high standard was tough. With the right approach he discovered change is a process for which he could plan, when he shifted his thinking, accepted that priorities alter, it makes it easier to make the transition. He was able to step back, identify what was important and what would influence the organisations success.

Natalie, Finance Manager - lateral leadership opportunities for her team

According to Linkedin research 94% of employees will prolong their stay in an organisation that invests in their career development. Natalie’s organisation wasn’t in a position to promote so we explored lateral leadership opportunities or ‘moving sideways to grow’ so she wouldn’t loose her key talent. Not only did it free her to focus on her priorities but it enabled her to offer her team opportunities to network with other parts of the organisation, raising their profile and develop other skills like collaboration across functions, markets and big picture thinking.

Simon, Lead project manager - accelerate team performance

Like most project teams moving from forming to performing fast was key. We looked at how framing questions had a direct impact on their thinking as a group. Like, define the problem versus what outcome do you want? Who is to blame versus what resources do you have that will aid the solution? Helping the team re-evaluate how they process information based on how it is formulated and move into solution finding together quicker is just one approach in Accelerate2Team.

Aoibheann, Accounting & Finance intern
Sharon’s programme is one of a kind, it is a one stop shop for developing leadership skills which play uniquely to your strength and your career. Each workshop is engaging and exciting as Sharon helps you build the foundation for your own leadership style by identifying your values and what type of leader you naturally are.

I personally found the programme a pivotal advantage to my career as I now see what it means to be a leader in a new light, which will allow me to support my teams the best way I can. I highly recommend the programme to anyone who wishes to develop their people leading skills, as Sharon has a wealth of knowledge and her programme will offer you the support you need to develop such skills.

If you’re determined to succeed abroad, reach out and let me help you.


Every journey to success starts by looking closely at where you are now and where you want to be. When we work together, we create a snapshot of your intercultural successes and failures/opportunities and threats. The findings will be your blueprint for the way ahead and it’s you who decides whether you implement the actions alone or whether we work together.

Once you know what you need to do to achieve the results your company wants overseas, I’ll work with your key international players individually or in groups so they’re pitch-perfect for the task ahead. This process typically focuses on awareness, knowledge, strategy and actions and leaves you ready to convert your foreign clients effectively and confidently.

Even with the right preparation, when the time comes to go and pitch abroad, it can be a scary experience. That’s why I provide a remote support service. Knowing you have all the support you need reassures you when you leave. If you find yourself unexpectedly short of courage prior to a presentation or in need of a sounding board after a meeting, I’m here.

What are you waiting for? If you’re serious about success abroad, now’s the time to take action.

A bit about me

Sharon Dehmel - Irish born, multi-lingual - Italian & German, ACII, MBA qualified consultant, coach and trainer with a fascination for intercultural leadership, talent development and optimisation.

With experience in a range of business environments, I have witnessed first-hand the potential for misunderstanding, frustration, loss of business opportunities and failure due to a lack of strategic intent both at individual and organisational level.

What's important for me

  • Results
  • Flexibility
  • Process
  • Client-centered
  • Accountability
The Intercultural Coach Badges


“Taking advantage of Mrs Dehmel's competences int the business world, we have had the right suggestions about our approach to doing business:  the Anglo-Saxon approach, synthesising and focusing an argument taught us how being incisive even when we speak Italian, thus enhancing our overall abilities.  Our opinion is more than simply positive: talented, communicative, spontaneous and openness make her a precious partner for our job.”

Roberto Coronat, Farmaforniture, Italy.

“Mrs Sharon Dehmel led an informative and stimulating workshop on cultural awareness, the event was valuable, interesting and stimulating.”

Peter J. Stoddart, MBE. Lt Col Chief Training Branch. NATO Communications and Information Agency, NCISS - Training Branch, Italy.

“In every session she has challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and to plan and take the actions I have needed to be able to keep moving forward. Sharon is a fantastic coach and has often offered me the opportunity to work through exercises that have helped instil a great deal of confidence.”

S Hart, UK.

“Thanks a million Sharon for everything. It was such an interesting morning and the attendees we spoke to really enjoyed it, as we did.”

Rosemary Ward, Business Consultant, South East BIC, Ireland.

“Thanks so much, Sharon! It was such a pleasure to meet you! What a brilliant workshop!”

Aisling O'Neill, PhDManager, ArcLabs Research & Innovation Centre
Waterford Institute of Technology West Campus, Ireland.

“Thank you for a wonderful workshop yesterday.  It was really engaging, and I learned a lot – it really was thought provoking.”

Aidan Shine, CEO, South East Business & Innovation Centre Ltd (South East BIC), Ireland

“That it's a powerful tool for self development and career awareness. Employees get motivated as it helps them to have a clear view on how they can achieve their professional goals”
“It's now clear to me that it can be very beneficial, particularly in helping putting things in perspective”
“How it empowered me in my decision making”

Gonçalo Gomez, Aspire Technology, Portugal

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Who I've Worked With

South East BIC
Waterford Institute of Technology
Ireland Portugal Business Network
NCI Agency

Let's Chat

Mobile - Portugal: +351 926 591 118

Mobile - Ireland: +353 087 180 3986

Skype: Sharon Dehmel

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Registration No. 009483

Concept and content by Suzie Larcombe

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