Resilience short cuts

Resilience short cuts

One of the key competencies I like to focus on with my clients is the capacity to recover quickly from adversity. There are lots of suggestions out there from exercise to positive self-talk. But which one is the best? Which one is the right one for me? I don’t know...
It’s their fault, or is it?

It’s their fault, or is it?

I became interested in culture as I witnessed and experienced time and time again people pointing the finger of blame at others for their failures to connect, achieve results, perform. Despite the extensive research and advise on overcoming cultural differences we...
Easy way out but not the best one

Easy way out but not the best one

Five months in Lisbon now and I still struggling to speak the language. I understand a lot when I read it but when it comes to talking it’s something else entirely. I pride myself on the fact that I speak Italian and German but I don’t remember them being so hard to...
Who is in control, you or them?

Who is in control, you or them?

Epictetus, one of the great Stoic philosophers taught that although life may be subject to constant change, we as human beings are ultimately responsible for how we interpret and respond to those changes. Having spent 18 years living and working abroad, two different...